Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Blazing Sun Dystopian Air Force recruits

I have been really busy in life recently so I have some blog posting catch up to do. Pleased to say I was nominated for a Liebster Award in a comment by fellow blogger Kieran but I will post my reply-post with more details about that soon (it's in progress). For now it's some images of recent additions to my Dystopian collection.
My Empire of the Blazing Sun Air Force increases in size with the addition of these two Gyroscopic flying machines. Swooping in to join the fight just before a new rule book is released. Great models. One piece. Nothing to assemble. Been sitting unpainted in the collection for a while so it's good to get them completed.

I superglued the ones above into the flight stands. I will probably do the same for the top heavy metal flyers below but I might lower the height of them perhaps even make them different heights. I had 3 of these Small Flyers in my collection a long time ago but recently painted 3 more as they can fight as a squadron of up to 5. The Blisters only came with 3 in each?!
In a last minute flash of inspiration I decided to paint the noses brass. Nothings says steampunk like the inappropriate use of brass whenever possible. The Pilots probably have some sort of hip steam powered sun shade device that cuts down on any glare into their eyes from these bright beaks.

I completed some more Blazing Sun Gunships as well and a comment expressed an interest in seeing a step by step so I will publish that in the not too distant future.

Cheers from Brendon


  1. Congratulations on the award and some fabulous additions to the collection here.

  2. Thanks Michael and Andrew.

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