Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Red and the Black Infantry and Cavalry

These Perry Miniatures plastics are finely detailed so it was a hard re-introduction to painting after many months of no activity with a brush. I built these before the last painting challenge but it seems the Goblin army project took over. Overall despite it feeling like a long time to get them completed I am satisfied with them. Among the double ups below are some options that do not come straight off the sprue. Getting different weapons glued onto cut down Pikes I found to be frustrating but worth it in the end. Some hands have been cut off and replaced and some cases I had to rebuild or gap fill wrists. Probably why I put them to one side for so long.

These Pikemen will help bulk up the figure count on my universal Kings of War unit bases. Doubling them up 25mm round bases requires painting one of them before adding them to the base. It's a bit more work compared to single basing with the base material all completed before painting (apart from the flock of course). For Kings of War I aim to have options for regular Pike and  Heavy Pike. The one musician was painted and based a long time back but I hacked him off the base to rebase him in the double up way. I seem to have a few more that this will happen to in the future.

Four light lancers with 2 on 50x50mm bases to help with base filling a unit tray. Some standard brown horses for these. Nothing fancy.

More double ups for Billmen/Halberds and Black Powder shooters.
I have a few more in the production pipeline.

The photos don't really capture them but you get the general idea. For some reason the Helmets have a reddish reflection on them. It's not some sort of cool burnish wash on them at all.
Cheers from Brendon and may your Bacon be salty and your Beer dark.


  1. Great work, a strong colour scheme nicely executed. The doubling up works well to me, really does help create the impression of ranks of troops.

  2. Great looking pikemen, the red and black works especially well. The doubled up figures is an idea that will be borrowed.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks roma. Glad to hear you can use the idea. Cheers

  3. Great looking troops; the colors make them look very intimidating and dangerous.

    1. Thanks Dean. Red and Black does have a violent suggestion about it. cheers
